Mongero Monday #21 – Trent Mongero is joined by Darren Fenster, founder of Coaching Your Kid, former minor baseball player with the KC Royals and current Minor League Baserunning and Outfield Coordinator with the Boston Red Sox. Trent and Darren discuss coaching your kids, but in a bigger picture, to spread their passion for and knowledge of the game to the next generations of players, coaches, and fans.
Show Notes:
- Player Development.
- Leadership and culture.
- Basic Fundamentals, Skills Standpoint, Mental Standpoint.
- Understanding game situations.
- Take ownership of your career.
- Ingraining winning baseball early in your career.
- Baseball IQ.
- Understanding your gametime decisions.
- Situational hitting.
- Working decision making into a drill helps the athlete learn the game.
- Create an environment where players are getting better at their skills, while also learning how to use them at the same time.
- Having less tournaments and more controlled scrimmages where coaches can stop and coach.
- “The sign of a great youth coach is not found in wins and losses, it’s found in how much better your players have gotten.”
- The second you make it a competitive thing, it changes the whole complexion.
- When you have competition it makes the game fun.
- Energy.
- When you do not complain about the weather….it gives you a little chip on your shoulder.
- Creativity is key when it comes to limited practice times and fields available.
- Cut off and relays.
- Understanding how important throwing and catching is to the game of baseball.
- Take pride in playing catch.
- Practicing the ability to focus.
- Intent in your throwing routine.
- Master simple throwing drills before moving on.
- Be present. Be where your feet are.
- Soak up everyday and try to take a nugget from each practice.
- Learning how to make adjustments.
- “When kids see the focus on fundamentals from the big leaguers it helps create a “buy in” from the kids.